November is here, the Holidaze are just around the corner, we have some events here right around Thanksgiving that will help you stay in the spirit of things. Lets go over the calender for the next few weeks:
First off: Wednesday, November 21st. Mini Pumpkin Road Show. We saved pumpkin beers that came out way too early so that we could pour them at an appropriate time of the year, when it is actually fall perhaps. We will have:
Southern Tier Pumking
Timmerman's Pumpkin Lambic
Howe Sound Pumpkinator
Naked City Boo Radley
Fort George Drunkin Punkin
Ace Pumpkin Cider
Big Time Hobgoblin
Reuben's Pumpkin Rye
Elysian Nightowl
Elysian Great Pumpkin
Elysian Dark O the Moon
Elysian Blight
Elysian Avant Gourde
Elysian L Rauch Hubbard
Elysian Mr Yuck Pumpkin Sour
All the beers will be available as a float with ice cream.
We are Closed for Thanksgiving, Enjoy your time with the Family!
Friday, November 23rd, Firestone Walker Ugly Sweater Party. What better way to spend Black Friday? There will be prizes for the top 3 ugly sweaters and gifts will be given out throughout the day. We will be pouring regular options Pale 31, Union Jack, Double Jack, Velvet Merlin and Wookey Jack. We will have special tappings throughout the day:
2pm XVI and bottle pours of XIV
3pm Double DBA
4pm Velvet Merkin and Parabola 2012
Just after the awards presentation around 6pm we will tap a very special offering that we assure you will not want to miss.
Thursday, December 6th - 9th BIGWOOD, we replace every tab with beers that have spent time in wood from Stout to Sour. We will be posting a tentative draftlist in next week or so. This is one of our favorite events.
Saturday, December 8th starting @ 2pm Hebrew/Shmaltz Brewing's Chosen Bar 16th Anniversary Party. This years anniversary beer uses 16 hops, 16 malts and is 16%ABV. We are finalizing the draft list but this beer along with 15 other offerings from them will be on draft, expect to see some rare barrel aged beers.
Wednesday, December 12th at 6pm Stone Vertical Epic 12/12/12, along with other Vertical Epic beers. We are putting the finishing touches on the draftlist and will have a full list by the end of the week. Stone started this series many years ago, with the idea that they be saved and enjoyed together, and has provided us with an opportunity to pour a few past years along with the current year. We are excited by this opportunity. Again we will have more information by late this week or early next week.
Taken from Stone's Website: As with any good epic, herein lies the promise of larger-than-life
experiences, heroics and twists & turns as the adventure unfolds.
These bottle-conditioned ales are specifically designed to be aged until
sometime after December 12th, 2012. Provided you can wait that long. At
that time, enjoy them in a "vertical" tasting. Each one unique to it's
year of release. Each with its own "twist & turn" in the plotline.
Each one released one year, one month and one day from the previous
year's edition. To remind you, the remaining dates are: