Cancer Sux!! We are sure there is not a person out there that has not in some way shape or form been effected by this horrible disease. A few months back Eugene Koptin, our barback, was diagnosed with Leukemia and has been locked in battle with it ever since. He is only 22 years old. For those of you that met him you know what a character he was, so full of life. He has spent most of the past months, since the diagnosis, in the hospital or not far from it. In an effort to help him out with the mounting bills etc. we have decided to throw a party in his honor. We have contacted some of our friends in the industry, who were more than happy to help out. On Tuesday, February 21st we will host a party here. We will sell raffle tickets, and host an auction for a few items. The proceeds from a selection of kegs, the raffle, and auction will all go directly to Eugene. We would like to thank all the Breweries for their gracious donations. We hope that you mark your calender and make it a point to come out and support Eugene, and let Cancer know that we think it Sux. We hope that he is well enough to be on hand, but are not sure that is possible at this time. Help us Help Eugene. We will have an update as to what the raffle items and auction items will be in the near future as well as a list of those that helped out with this event.
Don't forget to get your pin! We have been selling these for awhile now, and the are currently available. All proceeds from the sale of these Cancer Sux pins go directly to help Eugene. Thank you in advance for your support.
Labels: Brouwers, Brouwers cafe, Cancer Sux, Eugene Koptin